I have been quite shocked many times at how some parents speak to their kids and around their kids. I used to be friends with one mother who said the f word at any given time. There was never an effort to censor herself around her kids. One day, she was talking about needing to get a truck to move her things. Someone recommended some man she knew who owned a truck. Right in front of her twelve year old daughter, this mom says, "Oh, he won't do anything for me unless he thinks he can have sex with me." I was dumbfounded. If one of my kids had been in the room, I would have said something, but the girl is her child. Not an appropriate conversation to have in front of one's child. I don't care if that child is twelve; still not appropriate.
On another occasion, I was with my then four year old at a six year's pool party. Another family consisting of Dad, Mom, and baby were in the pool. Adults were chatting, but this dad kept using the "f" word in regular conversation. He wasn't angry. He was just talking about something that had happened. Again, this was what would have been very normal conversation except it was laced with profanity. There were children all around. Excuse me, but an adult should be able to watch his mouth. It didn't even phase him in the least that kids were all around.
All of the experts write about being careful who your child's friends are. At this rate, be careful who the parents are. I guess most of us parents assume that other parents know better and know that when a child enters the room or is in the vicinity, they should watch what they say. Sadly, I have experienced many occasions when children have entered a room and the adults just keep continuing their profanity laced conversations without a single pause. When I am with adults only, my mouth can get bad, but NOT when kids are around. That's not to say that I don't let certain words slip out around my kids; I do. It is not intentional though. And, yes, I get cross sometimes and my mouth gets the better of me.
I have stopped being friends with a couple of different women over how they parent their kids. It just seems that so many parents don't even want to be bothered with their kids. I'm not talking about differences of opinions. I'm not talking about things like co-sleeping vs crib sleeping, vaccines vs no vaccines. Those are personal choices which most people make very lovingly regardless of what is decided. I'm talking about the parents who have NO censor around their kids. I'm talking about parents who act like they have never read a single parenting article.
I also have seen many parents not bother to use good manners towards their children. "Anne, bring me a tissue," could easily replaced with "Anne, bring me a tissue please." The end result is still the same, but the child has been shown a courtesy and will now associate that when a request/command/demand is given, the word please should accomany such a request. The parent should also remember to say thank you when the child brings the item. This will help the child to remember to use good manners and say please when asking for their needs to be met and thank you once those needs are met. The saying "we teach by example" is so true.
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ReplyDeleteWonderfully said Mary!!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, I do agree with you and like you would feel I can make choices as to whome I socialise with.
ReplyDeleteMany do not agree at all with various aspects of my parenting choices, so it works the other way for me as well....
Being in a relative minority on various issues and circumstances has been a blessing in learning to accept the variety that is around us and at the same time continue on the path of living through the Heart.