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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Words For a Judge

I agree, but I also disagree with this judge. The problem with this sentiment is that it puts all of the responsibility in the kids' hands and none in the adults. How is a teen going to build a raft without some help and guidance? How is a teen to get to and from a job without someone to drive them? Teens are still kids and they still need us in many ways. Now, some teens will be great cooks or great mechanics. But that is probably because they had someone guiding them. The judge says "grow up." But then our society dumbs these teens down always reminding them that they're aren't grown up. We need to start treating teens with more respect if we want them to grow up. This judge was not respectful in any way, but very condescending. He could have chosen his words differently so as to encourage and empower these kids. He could have showed them all that they could accomplish and praised them to success, but he CHOSE not to do that. No wonder so many teens feel so lost. It seems that they just can't do anything right. And your Honor, they are NOT adults. They still need us and this is still their youth/childhood. And yes, they owe us their best and they should study, learn a skill, volunteer, etc., but we still owe them our best.

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