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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Homeschool Planning

  Planning is definitely what drives me the most crazy when it comes to homeschooling. The planning in and of itself isn't the problem.  The problem is implementing that plan.  I work a somewhat scattered schedule.  So, official homeschool lesson time comes in these bursts.  Liam does have independent work to do while I am at work.  I have roommates, so Liam is not home alone, but legally he could be.
  I will say that doing some unschooling during these times does work very well.  Liam's assigned work is actually quite minimal.  The rest of the time, he is free to pursue his own interests.  The more technical stuff, like grammar and math, are held off until he and I can be together for quiet learning time.  The problem is, our time together is so scattered that I don't feel like we are really gripping and feeling the lesson.  I know that I need to re-arrange my schedule at work and I will probably do so soon, but I have part time hours as it is and I don't want to jeopardize that.
  I guess this scattered way of doing things isn't SO bad.  He has learned the importance of working independently.  We do take a lot of little excursions.  Time for friends and socializing is given as much importance as lesson time.
  Our homeschool just needs a little finessing.  On the other hand, a positive about not having a set schedule is that all of my kids have always been able to handle anything out of the norm/routine very well.  For example, nobody gets agitated if we have a flat tire or just little unexpected things happen. My kids tend to be very :go with the flow" type.  Not always, but most of the time.

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